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The fall has officially arrived, at least by university standards, even if the weather doesn't agree, and with back to school comes The Wesley Foundation at Fisk being back in action! As the year has started we have already been busy getting to know students and celebrating a new year.

To the Kick the year off , last week, the Wesley Foundation at Fisk hosted an open house to allow community members and students to fellowship and to see our new building. Open house was a smashing success and we were so grateful for the high community turn out that we saw.

Pictured above is Senior Pastor Rev. Toi M. King, and a member of Clark Memorial UMC at open house
Pictured above are board member Cheryl Seay and a member of Clark Memorial UMC at open house

Along with folks from our local Clark community, we were blessed to get to share our new home with our current and former campus minister. It was a truly Holy site to see two people so concerned and dedicated to the health and longevity of the Wesley Foundation at Fisk University, get to meet each other and commune with one another.

Rev. Marilyn Thornton, former campus Minister of the Wesley Foundation at Fisk During Open House

Our former Campus Minister, Rev. Marilyn Thornton, blessed everyone at open house with her amazing piano skills as she played hymns, gospel songs, and even several medleys of gospel and classical songs mixed together.

We hope that as this year continues the Wesley Foundation will find new avenues and opportunities to continue getting to engage with both the Clark Memorial United Methodist Community, as well as the local Nashville community and other Wesley Foundations!

But we didn't Stop with Open House! This week the Wesley foundation at Fisk kicked off its engagement with students by participating in the Fisk University organization fair, where we tabled and had a chance to welcome new and returning students to campus.

Students Brain Thornton and Jaece Huston at the Wesley Foundation at Fisk Table During the Organization Fair on August 28, 2024

We were so grateful to all of the students who braved the heat to stop by and say hello to us!

While year has just begun, the Wesley Foundation at Fisk has hit the ground running and we are excited for all of the opportunities for ministry and mission that we will have as this academic year unfolds!

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